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He didn’t give that advice but nice job at misrepresentating the financial point he was making. You should apply for a job at the cbc

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You are really good at the cheap shot.

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Or the burning of the churches. He has been silently collecting his cheque and sneering

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I was a PC voter until the party was stolen by Stephen Harper. He turned out to be a better PM than I expected. He stayed at the center and kept the wing nuts under his thumb. Since he left the CPC has moved towards Republican right wing extremism. I will still support Progressive Conservatives. Unfortunately the present CPC is closer to being the Convoy Party of Canada. As bad as some of the Liberal policies are they are still more rational than are possible with Pierre Poliver.

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It is my belief that the number one job of the government is fiscal policy. I'll be very lenient on many other policies as long as the fiscal house is in order. Both Chretien and Harper achieved the best fiscal responsibility that Canada had seen since the late 1960's. As such, the period between 1995 and 2015 were some of Canada's best in all walks of life. How the world viewed us; and how were able to weather both dot.com and Wallstreet financial crises.

The current government has been printing money and spending like a spoiled trust fund baby for 7 years now and has put us in a position that even if we want to help the more needy in our country, we won't be able to. As far as rational policies, I've never witnessed a more irrational government than the current one. There entire Covid policy was based on public opinion polls. There current gun bill will do nothing to reduce gun violence. There internet bill is all about trying to control the media narrative. By the way, I am fully vaccinated, own no guns, and used to be a staunch advocate for the CBC.

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Georgie, if you don't even know how to spell Mr. Poilievre's name, I am suspect that you have taken a deep immersion into his policies. As some who has voted NDP (Broadbent), Liberal (Chretien/Martin) and Conservative(Mulroney/Harper), my opinion is Justin Trudeau's harmful identity politics and irresponsible financial policies, are actually quite radical and do not represent the majority of Canadians.

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Patrick, as you can see I don't care how you spell his name. His policies include pandering to a small section of the electorate which is now smaller than what was available for all elections in which the Liberal party and the NDP have out performed the CPC. The CPC has out preformed in a couple of provinces but does not seem to catch support in the two provinces that basically control who is elected. I am socially progressive and do believe that sound fiscal policy is needed. I also know that the strongest economic policies were available in the 60's and 70's. When more of Canada was unionised and business was taxed at higher rate, that were reduced by targeted taxation (investment into expansion, R&D and upgrading infrastructure). Lowering taxes for business does not help our economy. Money into stock markets does very little compared to higher income for the middle class. The middle class buys things large corporations seem to do the opposite. I am not quite sure what is meant by harmful identity politics? I have seen a lot of demonization if Trudeau which is definitely identity politics. You only have to look at the personal threats aimed at him by the "FREEDOM CONVOY". Attack the party instead of creating higher name recognition of the elected leader. I spent an hour with CPC party members where I asked them why I should vote CPC. They of course said inflation and that it was the fault of Trudeau, they didn't tell me how he had caused the rest of the world to have higher inflation rates than Canada not how they would control inflation. Rant ended.

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if only

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Exactly, Steven Harper of the Reform Party colluded with the devil, Peter Mackay of the decimated Progressive Conservatives to form the "new" Conservative Party. But we all know it is still the old Reform Party that nobody ever wanted outside of Alberta. The right wing was always a big part of Reform even under Harper. He just hid it better and duped Canadians for a long time. He couldn't hide everything though. Muzzling scientists, suppressing research, attempts to ban journalists, scandals, corruption and on and on. Erin O'Toole chose Reform dirty politics when he was running for PM of Canada - it didn't work so now he's backtracking. Has he "reformed" suddenly? And why? Does he think he'll get another shot seeing as Poillievre isn't doing so well?

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Extreme how, tell me one policy that is extreme.

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Great article Mr O’Toole. Putting all allegiances aside, I believe that the majority of Canadians would like to see the profanity eliminated but even more so, the anger that is expressed and creates the environment promoting the profanity. Argue from a fact base, not an emotional base. Question the government’s policy but also offer alternatives. And do this on the floor of the House of Commons, not in the mainstream or social media. In my book, you have just raised yourself up a healthy notch or two.

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Excellent article Erin!

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“Stop Harper” and “F… Trudeau”, together with the gallows, nooses and the like, are not the same. Until Conservatives are willing to tell these people to take a hike, they are part of the problem.

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deletedDec 30, 2022Liked by Erin O’Toole
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I follow the news in detail and I could not remember a single case of a Harper effigy. However, after some research, I could find one instance in 2015. This was at a tanker oil spill protest. The fact that you somehow equate this single incident with constant and explicit threats on the life of the current PM shows that you are dishonest in your argument.

By the way, in the little research I did, I did also find one “F… Harper” incident. The person was fined $500 for distracting traffic.

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He never said you were being dishonest, but memory is an interesting thing. If there are no examples of your statement, then we can assume it wasn't as prolific as you suppose.

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"constant and explicit threats on the life"

please identify the constant stream of criminal convictions that would surely follow such things

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Could this start with your party being more civil in question period?

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if by 'civil' you mean 'stop arguing with liberals', then heck no

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He is referring to the disruprice behaviour, ie., laughing at other members etc.,

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HAHAHAHA millions of us laugh our heads off in disgust at HOC. Don’t know how the CPC even continues to show up & persist. The clown show non answering electioneering storytelling lies spewed daily from the filthy coalition axis of evil is worse than a joke.

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You know what’s disruptive? Getting naked on parliamentary zoom debates - maybe Erin should have focused on that instead of shooting at his own team

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If Liberals could answer basic questions than sure.

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Or stop walking out in the middle of votes like the little potato did a few times

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Your post demonstrates how deeply disconnected and indifferent you are to Canadians who have suffered immensely under this Liberal regime.

GOOD Canadians have lost their livelihoods, been demonized, shunned from society, their rights abolished and their voiced MUTED. They are lucky to even get two words in, so they better count.

F_Trudeau is as good as it gets and better than he deserves.

How dare you scold those who have lost so much! You have been completely ineffectual during this entire ordeal.

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Perfectly said!! I concur!!

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Those who wrap themselves in the flag and go out to destroy our economy and tell politicians to f--- off are definitely not GOOD Canadians or citizens. There are other ways to show you want a change.

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How divisive. A Canadian is a good Canadian except if they express themselves in a manner you don’t like. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Your reply shows how deeply disconnected you are to reality. While I dislike Trudeau, not all of the blame can be put at his feet for the current status of the world.

The world has (and still is ) going through a pandemic. Ignoring that fact is not going to make it


People who thought/think we could have gone through it with life as normal, are out of touch with reality.

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Good grief you’re on Substack ffs. Go subscribe to many of the outstanding medical researchers who post & turn off cbc. Trudeau is responsible for the status of Canada & the world is calling him out for the tyrannical loser that he is. Erin wants us all to just ‘be nice like the old days’. Wake up to the truth the pandemic was manufactured & fear mongered with lies. we all have full right to express our hatred at how our willfully blind, if not purposely destructive elected officials have been not missing a cheque but utterly destroying lives without remorse for the last 3 years

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You lot love all those outstanding (cough) medical sorts that post to substack and twitter while they wax lyrical with statistics they don’t understand and medical terminology they understand less. Veterinarians (ivermectin is for horses and cows with parasites) and the "inventors of mRNA” (delusions of grandeur happening there) and “do your own research” and “save the children” and they are jokes, bad, dangerous jokes. Talk about lies, if you believe them or not. You guys are always whining about the unelected, the appointed. But now the elected are out to get you too? There is no satisfying you people. Go to FB and Twitter and SS etc where you can be properly spun up. The 2nd coming is imminent, no, not just yet but soon, but then the Jews in Israel will realize they backed the wrong horse but not until they pay for being the world's petri dish, was how it was written in comments. Wake up from your silly paranoid delusions and opinions.

I’m not a great fan of Trudeau but he’s not the tyrannical loser you make him out to be. Nor is he responsible for the world's ills. So who do you want to acclaim in his stead? How are you going run this show if you don’t want us to vote, and who is in on it with you?

A very small percentage of Canadians probably agree with you. That’s on you and them. The vast majority of Canadians think you and your ilk are bat-shit crazy. Like that Queen Ramola. And we are strong in the belief that what you think does not matter. You are only embarrassing yourselves just as the convoy did. Just stay away for us and our kids. If you are asked to wear a mask please do so or go away. And wash your hands — often.

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Geezus Lou you are a pack of ignorant rambling assumptive insults. many highly credentialed well educated career specialists writing on this platform have excellent information. You however trip over your own small minded insults. I shall block you because you exemplify divisive angry & mentally blinded nastiness ...I have two post secondary degrees, one is in research and teaching...so labeling me bat shit crazy makes you the perfect pawn for Trudeau to leverage ...Call people names insult them rather than discuss. Frankly if CPC has too many of your ignorant ilk, I’ll vote libertarian to avoid knowing you. Gbye

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Geezus Brenda, if you feel that what I said was ignorant, rambling, assumptive, and insulting, it is because you are projecting again.

You dish out — The clown show non answering electioneering storytelling lies spewed daily from the filthy coalition axis of evil is worse than a joke — among other choice bits. There is no coalition. If you have no respect you will never have it returned. And you might “research” what Question Period is about as you obviously missed that day when you were getting your GED.

You can dish it out but you certainly cannot take it. I am fully aware of who writes on the Substacks and elsewhere. And like any other platform, there are those who prey on the gullible, the holier than thou, and the sadly misinformed who cluster with the like-minded fools.

Two post sec. degrees! Oh my, that’s special. Research and teaching? I highly doubt that but go ahead, blow your own little horn. If I think you are batshit crazy, why would that make me vote Liberal? Am I supposed to be hurt, angry, insulted or something? Only you are allowed to insult? Did I hurt your feelings, honey? If you want to vote Libertarian you are welcome to waste your vote. Leave the grownups to do the responsible things.

Brenda, you may want to watch your assumptions regarding people who disagree with you but I’m sure you can find many, many more willfully misinformed who will happily wallow in the muck with you.

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Brenda, I did you the courtesy of looking at the links. I do find it irritating that you can’t form your own ideas or opinions without hanging on the people like Malone and Kirsch and your Fox who link and share the same people and information around and around.

Malone is working towards being a world-class grifter. Kirsch is trying and Fox is, I do believe, a true believer.

How many times can these guys, and all the other TBs, flog the “suddenly dead” schtick? Now they are leech-like attached to Damar Hamlin who isn’t even dead yet. But of course, it’s vax related because getting slammed in the chest by some hulking steroid-enhanced football player could have nothing to do with it (sarcasm). Brain damage of young football players is fine, yes? But listing kids who may or may not have died of the flu without the family's permission (who cares, right?) is perfectly kosher. It’s for the greater good (more sarcasm). And he has an abundance of graphs and pictures and stats and even the CBC to back up his heartless and ill-informed theories. The CBC!

Malone has had his knickers in a twist since he was called out for lying about just what his involvement was (not very much) in the early development of mRNA. He does downplay his arrogant assertions now but he’s a fixture on the Con/Republican talk circuit and the money is good. Where did he just fly in from...Prague with a few other stops in European cities? I wish, it’s on my bucket list. Prague is.

So as I went from link to link starting with the three you think are representative of something, I noticed that they all talk about the same things, usually within a week or so, sometimes pulling up old stories from 6 or 7 years ago and then they all post similar info. Pedophilia just never gets old, does it? All of them liberally sprinkle Cole’s Notes versions of Marx, Stalin and Hitler of course with a dab of Putin now and then. Poor Marx has been dead for well over 100 years and he is even more popular than Hitler now. He’d be so pleased.

This brings me to DOCTOR Naomi Wolf. Did you know she has a doctorate in Victorian Poetry? I would love to read her thesis. I’ve been running into her for years. Her thing these days is fascism. Fascism in gov, in health care, in everything. 10 Steps to Fascism. Fascinating. No wonder her take on Covid-19 and the fascist goings on in both Canada and the US is so riveting. You are picking up on the sarcasm again, yes?

These three + people and the dozen or more I scanned simply staying in Substack is but a thin layer of bat-shit crazy lies and hate. But to what end? There has to be money involved and more than what they can get from the gullible on Substack. Talk shows, t-shirts, books, and interviews all can be monetized. You don’t have to actually prove the bullshit so long as a critical number of grifters are telling the same lies to the same people.

They sound so sincere. They never let up. Do they believe in their own deceit? More importantly, why do you?

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Your opinions would hold more water if you used your real name, rather than hiding behind an alias in a cowardly manner.

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Pure unalloyed, undistilled, unqualified Rubbish !!

Are you leading the charge for the brutish masses!!

Your over-the-top rhetoric clearly indicates you are a fool !!

O'toole is an honorable and decent man and Canadians are far worse off with the loser Pollieve.

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You forgot racist misogynist homophonic science denier anti vaxxer fringe minority taking up space ffs. You deserve your own fk flag as you’re intent on dividing the nation & silencing the very debate otooles article pretended to desire.

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What debate? There is nothing to debate with a parcel of wing-nuts.

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obviously stats critic you didn't read the post nor do you understand it aside from what you refer to as GOOD Canadians losing their livelihoods... it wasn't Canada that said you can't drive into the US without a vaccine it was the US you idiot!

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Way to go name caller. Dissing like a true liberal leftie

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Brenda, I have to ask. Do you read your own posts?

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Mr. O'Toole is correct. Lack of civility and common decency are divisive and destructive. They have no place in a democratic, free Canada.

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Indeed, civility and common decency are essential and they start at the TOP. Justin Trudeau showed a complete lack of both.

Our rights and freedoms, enshrined in the Constitution, were tossed aside and Canadians were treated like yesterday's garbage. Erin O'Toole was tasked with defending our fundamental rights against a tyrannical government; HE was supposed to be the voice of those who were silenced. Not only did he fail, but he saw fit to attack the character of Canadians who've been unjustly targeted and persecuted by Trudeau and his party of thugs. That's disgraceful!

Despite Trudeau's many attempts to escalate the freedom protest to dangerous levels, the protesters remained peaceful. THAT is civility at its finest!

F_Trudeau was a clear message - one that can fit on a flag. A smart leader would heed the warning.

Perhaps O'Toole can address the F-bomb by LIBERAL MP Adam van Koeverden who saw fit to denigrate a citizen his party has harmed. Recall, in June 2022 he said “F— you” to a woman calling for the end of vaccine mandates.

Or perhaps O'Toole can comment on the Peterborough Mayor, Diane Therrien, who used her platform to tell constituents: “F*ck off, you f*ckwards.”

Instead of calling out politicians who hold ALL THE POWER, he kicks the victimized when they're down. PATHETIC. Clearly, his values align with the federal Liberal-NDP coalition.

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What have you been smokin’?

We are surrounded by drama queens, clutching their pearls and fluttering their false eyelashes. Quick, someone, roll in the fainting couches before they do a face plant on the floor.

You have two, count them, two F*bombs and in your mind, that is worthy of all your indignation and ire?

You, girls, are amazing!

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Well said, Nel.

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The protesters were simply asking that the government FOLLOW THE LAW. It was about the law, not democracy. The Constitution is the Supreme law of Canada. It's not open to mob rule.

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I 100% agree with you. Enough already of political class snobbery. Otoole lined right up along side trudeau pumping masks mandates & jabs. Where was/is his voice for those of us locked out of society for months or the millions now injured or out of jobs. He had a chance he lost it and he lost my respect completely during last election. Of course his admirers who are likely the 30% brainwashed by the media/political lies will line up to support him. THEY are ALL the problem. Contributing to divisive horrid rhetoric against millions of us but now clubbing together still shunning us as if our complaining is anti Canadian. Hahaha. They’re living in the past while we are responding to their work that’s changed the face of the nation. It’s pathetic to see him deflect to blaming USA politics for the anger in Canada. Absolutely disingenuous & failure to accept RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS contribution to our disgust at the #Ottawhiners & egregiously spoiled over paid unionized snivel servants who all live in their echo chamber bubble & cry like babies when a dose of reality shows up.

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Like I said — you can dish it out...

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I like "The proliferation of these types of political displays in recent years are a sign that we are slowly becoming desensitized to political stunts and aggressive rhetoric whether it comes from the left or right."

But then to follow it you by saying that right wingers are only doing their things in response to "the cancel culture of the woke left" is exactly as partisan as what you're arguing against.

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got it

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It's nice to see you talk the talk, it's a shame the PP refuses to walk the walk. Here's hoping that changes in 2023. It's one thing to be his majesties Loyal opposition, it's quite another to rabble rouse with open insurrectionists.

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Dude, Erin literally had photos of himself in tight tshirts and jeans to try and mimic justin - sit down and stuff it

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Thank you Erin for writing this thoughtful and erudite article. I too, am in complete disagreement with not only the flags, but the general political discourse in Canada, and would like to suggest a return to single issue debates by our party leaders, such as we had in the past.

I would like to see Canadians witness more mature political discourse among the party leaders, outside of the House of Commons. I see podcasts as a form of media that people are increasingly engaged with. I think the trend to short-form media limits political debate tremendously, and we need to actively work against this media limitation.

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Great article. I wish I had heard more of that Erin O'Toole during the his leadership campaign and the last election.

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Yes, I came here expecting quite the opposite. He is absolutely correct. Extremism, on either side, is not helping this country.

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everyone right of marx is an extremist

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I concur 1000 %.

We / have clearly lost a valuable opportunity to (re) make the political domain something Canadians could be proud of.

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Erin. Thank you for the courage in writing what needs to be said. The real issues get lost in this over the top shouting and accusations fired by both the right and the left. Certainly no side is innocent.

Especially in Parliament, we should be able to illustrate how we can disagree without being bitterly disagreeable. W Easter

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the left did more than just shout, these past three years

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Meanwhile, the CPC has employed the leader of Canada Proud. Come on.. 🙄

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it's okay to be proud

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You always had a good balance Wayne. Hard hitting but decent. Happy new year.

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"Conservatives believe deeply in fostering and protecting individual liberties."

so deeply in fact that federal and provincial conservatives were all-in on mandating private health matters on an entire population

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I am only aware of public health policies relating to workplaces/etc.

Since there is no "right" to enter someone else's workplace or home, I don't see how anyone's individual rights were infringed in any way.

I keep hearing about these so-called "mandates", but I've yet to be shown an example of one.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Even courts have admitted literal infringement of charter rights - several of them simply excused that infringement with reference to the public good bla bla bla, which were medically false claims even at the time.

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NO THEY DON"T!!! When it comes to them then yes but when it comes to others, well that is another matter. Cons are usually hypocrites.

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Exactly. And they’re silent now as millions struggle with jab injuries & destroyed careers. Absolutely zero recognition or apology from any politician in Ottawa. It’s a one way street of ‘be nice and like everything I say and if you ask a question don’t expect an answer’. Otooles as divisive as #fkfrudeau

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You are nothing but a Trudeau Liberal pretending to be a conservative. 2 birds of a feather, both traitors to this beautiful country. F#ck Trudeau and F#ck O'Toole!

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Congratulations, you've proven to be true everything he has written.

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Excellent article. There needs to be a greater level of maturity in our society today.

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