Thank you Erin! All the best on your next chapter:)

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Thank you Erin. Trudeau is a bloody disgrace. Clearly, Rosenberg has no more scruples than Trudeau. David Johnston cannot be viewed with respect, having hitched his wagon firmly to the unethical, untrustworthy, dishonest Trudeau Liberals and the CCP compradors, or perhaps he is just one of them.

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As stated by the CSIS intelligence officer in one of the hearings, these naive actions have been going on for 30 years in our government, maybe some politicians should go to jail the same way a service member would if they broke the rules at this degree. Since when is it ok for elected members to get away with things of this manner. Or are you corrupted talking heads in Ottawa not capable of cleaning up your own kind?

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But here is the problem, created solely by your party. Your party has claimed that the actions and decisions by the government have been based on partisan gain and partisan gain only. If your starting point is that the other political is committing a peacetime version of treason, are you really interested in getting to the truth? Or are you playing primarily partisan games?

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DARVO, incoming, incoming.

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I am not denying anything. Nor am I attacking Mr. O’Toole.

The response by the current CPC leader is quite telling, he did not want to be given a classified briefing, because he did not want to be constrained on what he could he could say in public. That should tell you enough about the motivations of the current version of the CPC.

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It does, indeed, tell me "enough about the motivations of" Pierre Poilievre (there, I said his name). It tells me that he is not willing to be silenced by Justin Trudeau and one of his Committee creations. It tells me Pierre is not willing to play Justin Trudeau's game of "I'll create as many Committees of Parliamentarians to replace Parliamentary Committees that have worked well for nearly 150 years, because I am Justin Trudeau the great and omnipotent. I'll decide who gets to be on these Committees, and they will report to me and only me. I'll also decide what part of the report the Citizens get to know. I have no respect for Canadians, the law, ethics or anyone or anything but power and, of course me. I am Justin Trudeau and I am in charge of everything." It tells me I can be very proud of the man who is the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. That's what it tells me.

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This is bull shit. Poilievre can see the material (assuming he can get a clearance, but that should not be an issue for a former member of cabinet). While he cannot say anything about the material he has seen, he can say if the Prime Minster acted appropriately or not. There is nothing that would stop him from saying that.

But Poilievre does not want to be in the situation where he has to say that the government acted reasonably when all information is taken into account. All he is interested in accusing the current government of being treasonous.

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What part do you think is nonsense?

This is all pretty factual. Poilievre has been given the opportunity to read what Johnston has read. He will be able to say if he agrees with Johnston’s conclusions or not.

If Poilievre would be truly interested in holding the government to account, why would he not want to see the same information that Johnston has seen?

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Mr. O'Toole is not a journalist but this is great reporting, on par with the stories in the G&M. I trust what O'Toole and Michael Chong have to say in this matter, unlike so many other characters in this play.

And I was moved by that whistleblower essay. That is worth repeating. Why has no one offered them unconditional amnesty and a possible reward for testifying? The curtains of secrecy around this affair are hiding incompetence, not diligence. Most of us know that.

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sigh - "not a failure of due diligence."

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Thanks for this, Erin. An important post. I could add lots of juice but will not do so here. You have been very generous in your assessment as to intentions and conduct. This clique controlling Ottawa - and Canada- really must be exposed and held to account. We need to restore integrity and fight for Canada.

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Of course foreign interference is bad and should be investigated. However, conservatives and their mnions don't seem to have any problem with the domestic interference run by the groups, such as Canada Proud.

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Thank you for writing this, Erin.

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“The cavalcade of intelligence leaks shows that some of Canada’s leading intelligence officials have lost confidence in the Trudeau government...”

While I agree with some of your claims, the above is wrong. I was a very junior member of Canada’s intelligence community and had TSSA clearance and just as much access to documents as “leading...officials”.

All we know is one or more individuals with access -senior, junior, or middle management - chose to leak documents for whatever reason - honourable or otherwise, partisan or otherwise. Don’t give these leakers ethical, moral or political agency they may or may not have. It very well may be one clerk down in Sector 7G trying to impress their video gaming friends, which sounds suspiciously familiar.

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And it most probably is not "one clerk down in Sector 7G". Too much American story borrowing, It seems.

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You say "leaked" I say "exposed" a matter of national importance. I have not seen nor heard of any information being "leaked" that exposes operatives, source or methods. That would be bad. What we have is some sunshine to disinfect the lack of openness, transparency and competence in our government.

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I believe the Erin O'Toole account. There is no way that Rosenberg or Johnson, both affiliated with the Pierre Trudeau Foundation, can be deemed impartial in addressing the Chinese participation in Canadian elections, at the express invitation of Justin Trudeau, current Prime Minister, and son of Pierre Trudeau. I do not suggest any wrongdoing by Rosenberg or Johnson, other than vanity has led them up the wrong path in accepting the invitation in the first place.

Ian Ashe, Retiree and also subject to Vanity.

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Dear Mr. O'Toole, when you say "Canada needs to get serious when it comes to the issue of foreign interference. Canada needs an independent public inquiry on foreign interference in Canadian politics..." do you also mean foreign interference by the following outfits?

- World Economic Forum (WEF);

- World Health Organization (WHO);

- the United Nations

And more specifically,

- How the WEF has interfered with both our domestic (woke agenda/policies) & international policies (e.g., Russia-Urkaine War - to whom we have already given over C$5 billion along with a pledge for "unlimited funds") enabled by our Deputy PM/Finance Minsiter who sits on their Board of Trustees in a clearly breaching Canadian Conflicts of Interests Laws (also ignored by our Ethics Commissioner) and also attends secret meetings with the WEF (see Chrystia Freeland’s Conflicts of Interests with the WEF & Ukraine, URL: https://fournier.substack.com/p/chrystia-freelands-conflicts-of-interests);

- How the WHO used various agents of influence (Bill Gates, the Gavi Vaccine Alliance and their lobbyists such as Crestview Strategies) to subvert Health Canada's independence of policies related to C19 and the vaccines (see Massive Covid-19 Data Manipulation Revealed, https://fournier.substack.com/i/121823969/addendum-about-justin-trudeau-bill-gates-and-the-gavi-alliance as well as the investigative report titled 'Gates Foundation Lobbied Trudeau (Using Proxies) Into Accepting Vaccine Agenda' on the matter at: https://canucklaw.ca/cv-4-gates-foundation-lobbied-trudeau-using-proxies-into-accepting-vaccine-agenda/)

Would you, or would you not consider these a form of "foreign interference", Mr. O'Toole? A non-response would indicate in the negative and hence a double-standard, no?

Just the fact that PP and the Conservative party are NOT calling for any investigation about these (I only listed a few of a very long list) speaks volumes, wouldn't you say? Where is all the hoopla huffin and puffin about those?


- Respectfully

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I do not consider multi-lateral organizations or international summits to be interference at all. In fact, as a trading nation we need to ensure our voice is heard whether we agree with all aspects of the agenda or not.

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Yeah, I'm sure these institutions have the best interest of Canadians - AND their/our precious children at heart:

The UN, WHO, & WEF seek to Sexualize, Exploit, & Decriminalize Sex with School-Aged Children, https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-un-who-and-wef-seek-to-sexualize

Got it Mr. O'Toole.

Thanks for the clarification.

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It now costs less in Canada to buy the Prime Minister than to buy a house.

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Excellent comment!

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The Harper government did nothing about allegations of foreign interference and warnings from CSIS and others.

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That is incorrect. I know you do not believe that enough was done Mark, but to suggest "nothing" was done is simply incorrect. I refer you to one of my earliest Substacks on one example of I spoken about for many years. Since I wrote this before the bombshell G&M story, it has been largely overlooked, but you would appreciate it.


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Thank you Mr. O'Toole. It is sad you are leaving public life at a time when the country needs your judgment most.

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Thank you, Mr OToole for this very fine contribution to public policy. I hope your return to public life will soon be a cause for celebration.

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Thank you for your many services to Canada and enjoy your future endeavours.

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